Thursday 31 January 2013

The Very Inspirational Blogger Award

Virginia McKevitt nominated me for The Very Inspirational Blogger Award.

While it's not really an award that was voted on I'm still honored and really this is just a fun way of spreading blogger love. Thanks Virginia (p.s. check out the guest post she did on my blog last month here)

Now, in order for me to participate in this prestigious event I have to do a few tasks (why does this suddenly feel like a frat hazing?)

To participate -
1. You post the award image on your blog with header "The Very Inspirational Blogger Award". (CHECK)
2. Tag the person/blogger who nominated you, thanking them for the nomination (CHECK)
3. Write the rules and complete them.

The Rules:
  • Display the award logo on your blog. (CHECK)
  • Link back to the person who nominated you. (CHECK)
  • State 7 things about yourself.(See Below)
  • Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.(See Below)
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award's requirements. (You get it)
Alright so, seven things about myself. Hmm.Well, let's see:
  1. I have ADHD and Dyslexia.
  2. I am left handed but I play sports with my right hand.
  3. I have a scar on the side of my head from when I was four years old.
  4. I have arachnophobia.
  5. I am an Aquarius.
  6. My family origins are Cree (Native Canadian), Welsh and Yugoslavian (German).
  7. My middle name is named for a famous fictional Canadian character (bonus points if you can guess which one).
And my 15 blog nominations are...
  1. Kai Kiriyama
  2. Laura Howard
  3. Ciara Ballintyne
  4. Fel Wetzig
  5. Amber A Bardan
  6. Diantha Jones
  7. Jenelle Holland
  8. BookHounds
  9. Reading Angel
  10. Angi Black
  11. Katrina Monroe
  12. Yesenia Vargas
  13. Heather Marie
  14. Rainy Kaye
  15. Carolyn Brown
Thanks again to the lovely Virginia and I look forward to hearing from the other nominees.

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