Monday 7 March 2016

Review of Immortal's Spring

25483021Sophie Darrow said yes once to a young man offering a realm of Greek gods and immortality. Now her home has been shattered, and her friends and family pulled along with her as they run from an evil cult and take shelter in the gloomy Underworld. But remembering the life of the original immortals long ago--Persephone, Hades, Hekate, Hermes, and more--may be their key to victory, as well as happiness.

In ancient times too, the murderous cult Thanatos attacked and destroyed nearly all the Greek immortals who sought to bring good to humankind. But those immortals planted seeds in both their realm and ours to ensure their season would someday bloom again. And spring is finally coming.

After finishing Book Two of the series, I immediately had to pick up the third and final installment of the Chrysomelia series. Luckily for my lack of patience, I was able to obtain an advanced copy of Immortal’s Spring by Molly Ringle, releasing in June 2016. My heart was in my throat the entire time and I just can’t believe it’s over. I’ve been so immersed in the world of magic and ancient gods for the last few weeks that I don’t know what I’ll do next; probably fall in love with another book but this one has been very special to me.

I went to university to study Classics, which is the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture. My absolute favourite part was studying mythology and the religion surrounding those stories. Reading this series made me fall in love with Greece all over again. It’s this wonderful balance between fantasy and fact, drawing inspiration from contradictory texts and speculation to create a beautiful world to explore.

Our heroes left book two in a very dark place and the lovely Molly Ringle doesn’t shy away at all. Our protagonist, Sophie Darrow is facing tragedy and some incredibly difficult decisions about her future – for however long that may be. She doesn’t ignore her emotions or let anyone tell her to put them aside but instead embraces them and recovers from her loss the hard way (although it is cut down for the sake of fiction). Meanwhile, her friends and family are supporting her while battling untold horrors both past and present and facing losses of their own. Seriously, I have not teared up so much while riding transit in a very long time.

This book got to me.

While there are some startling revelations, we’re not introduced to any new concepts or worlds so we get to spend a lot of our time exploring the people and their emotional journeys. Oh, and magic. There’s a lot of magic that gave me mixed feelings. On one hand, our magic-wielding goddesses have a great command of the power at their fingertips, embracing it not as a gift or a curse but as a part of their being. Which is always awesome, we don’t waste time on denial, we just enjoy the magic. On the other hand, a lot of the magic goes unexplained. Its limits almost seem arbitrary depending on our needs. I would have loved to explore that more.

But my confusion was quickly dispersed with action and sexy times. So much sexy times. And my ship happened! I fell madly in love with a “will-they-won’t-they” couple in Book Two and things happened in Book Three in the most ridiculous way possible that made me really happy.
The wonderful thing about Molly Ringle’s writing is that she creates characters that you care about. They all have relatable elements and fantastical stories; you get swept away. Sophie and Adrian have that charming epic love story riddled with drama and angst but ultimately, it’s a love as old as the ancient gods themselves. Literally. The rest of the gang – Niko and Zoe in particular – have my heart and melted my cold, damned soul.

A lot of my Random Notes While Reading are just me melting into a puddle so please excuse the mess:

·         The poor dogs
·         Okay, that helped a little
·         The unlikeliest of penpals make for great comedy amongst so much agony
·         Ew. Pervert
·         I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion at just the mention of a name. What is happening?
·         Oh, I just realized who they are. Weird.
·         I'm finding Liam to be rather endearing
·         This whole scene just makes me miss Greece
·         Ugh. Charmed into a puddle, I am
·         Shut up! No way! Jeez, that's just ridiculous
·         You are shameless, Hermes, I love it
·         I've always loved that romantic notion of falling in love with a person's soul and not their body and this book is messing with my head
·         Yup. Good girl
·         Oh honey. Although, I greatly appreciate the diversity and relatable experimentation/discovery. Thank god for Google
·         *snickers at Landon*
·         I'm melting from this weird but totally adorable scene
·         I think what I'm really enjoying is how casual they are with magic and yet how serious they are
·         I should not find Landon this endearing
·         Oh f*ck me. How did I not guess?
·         I'm not crying, you are
·         ...I love this series
·         That's not fair. You can't make me love you more
·         Jeez. My heart can't take much more of this
·         Wha?
·         That's such a casual way to break my heart
·         Aw. My heart
·         YES! No, I shouldn't be this excited
·         That's... My brain
·         This is both adorable and brain melting
·         Someone needs to mop up this puddle

I whole-heartedly recommend this series. It was romantic, and intense, and heart-stopping; never a bored moment. In the stunning conclusion of Persephone and Hades’ epic tale, an overwhelming sense of satisfaction kept me turning the page with a sigh in my heart and a smile on my face. Start from the beginning here.

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