Friday 6 May 2022

Excerpt of Dublin Ink by Sienna Blake

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the DUBLIN INK by Sienna Blake Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: DUBLIN INK (Dublin Ink, #1)

Author: Sienna Blake

Pub. Date: May 5, 2022

Publisher: SB Publishing

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 395

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle

Grab this hot gritty romance at this special release price!

Grumpy bad boy tattoo artist, Conor Mac Haol, doesn’t trust anyone. Least of all the new juvie apprenticing at his beloved Dublin Ink as part of her probation.
She is way too pretty and way, way too young.

Coming from a broken home, Aurnia has had to grow up faster than most girls. She doesn’t need anyone telling her what to do.
Least of all Conor, her new (very hot, very muscled, very tattooed and very, very rude) boss who obviously hates her.

But Aurnia’s troubles reminds Conor too much of his dark past. He becomes obsessed with keeping her safe. Keeping her protected.
Even from him.
Especially from him.

Soon sparks and insults turn into broken rules and forbidden moments—until one final mistake seals their fate.



I fumbled for the metal posts. My fingers curled around the icy shafts

I could feel him stroking himself just behind me. Could feel his rough knuckles against my ass. Feel the tremble of his chest against the shivers that ran down my spine.

“Are you holding on?”

I nodded even though he couldn’t possibly have seen.

“Words, Aurnia.”


“Yes, what?”

I swallowed. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m going to fuck you. Hard.”

I bit back a moan. We were supposed to be quiet. I could be quiet. I could be—oh, God, how I wanted to moan. How I wanted to lean my head back into the crook of Conor’s neck and bite my lip as I growled his name. How I wanted to bang my fists against those metal racks till Mason and Rian came running down at the noise.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Conor said, his cock at the dripping lips of my pussy. “You want to be fucked hard, dirty girl.”

I whimpered and tightened my grip on the icy rods. Conor’s hands were like brands on my hips. As he thrust deep and hard into me, I released one of my hands to cover my mouth. I would have screamed otherwise. I would have screamed, “More, more, fucking more.”

Conor stopped.

“You gotta hold on, baby,” he said, his voice like a whip, a whip I wanted harder

I sank my teeth into my bottom lip before grabbing once more, this time with a trembling hand to the cold, hard metal.

Conor slapped my ass and bit my shoulder as I tried not to gasp.

“Good girl.”

About Sienna Blake:

Sienna Blake is a dirty girl, a wordspinner of smexy love stories and an Amazon Top 20 & USA Today Bestselling Author.

She lives in Dublin, Ireland, where she enjoys reading, keeping fit and adding to her personal harem of Irish hotties 


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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon GC, International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Wottaread Blog

Guest Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog



Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post


Sadie's Spotlight

Guest Post/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books




IG Post


Rajiv's Reviews

Review/IG Post


BookHounds YA

Excerpt/IG Post


Writer of Wrongs



Nagma | TakeALookAtMyBookshelf

Review/IG Post

Week Two:


Fire and Ice



My Fictional Oasis

Review/IG Post


One More Exclamation

Review/IG Post


A Bookish Dream

Review/IG Post


Fyrekatz Blog

Review/IG Post


Books a Plenty Book Reviews




Review/IG Post


More Books Please blog

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post




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