Wednesday 6 September 2017

Your Mid-Week Update for 09/06/17

And thus begins the months of business hell. September is when we have to keep every record, make sure storage is cleared and organized, and store every little detail on file. It’s when we hoard everything and simultaneously clear the decks. It’s when we hire a lot of temps.

Ah temps: the necessary evil.

Now, I’ve done it. I’ve worked the odd hours and done the jobs no one else would do just to pay rent. I get it. I hated it. But if a temp isn’t good at their job it makes life so much harder. Meet Sally the Temp. She tries hard…that’s about it. Two days, and I have spent more time fixing her mistakes than I have doing my own work. Well, technically Heather has spent all that time fixing Sally’s mistakes. I may as well officially lend my assistant to babysitting the temps. She’s going to hate me when I tell her today. As long as she keeps Sally away from my desk for 5 minutes today, it’ll be worth it.

I am determined not to kill any of the temps until all the work is done. I’m trying to be a little more considerate of my fellow coworkers. They may not kill to vent their frustrations but plenty of them have their own little…quirks.

Like Roger who wears women’s underwear for “good luck” when his team is playing. Or Christine who has a written warning about watching porn at work that I’m absolutely not supposed to know anything about. Or Kal who knits during his lunch break (the secret is, he’s really bad at it). Or Dana who pours a little bit of alcohol into every single cup of coffee she drinks. I’ve yet to find the source of her drinking habit, but I’m sure it’s a good one.

I know I shouldn’t gossip about my coworkers and normally I don’t care unless it’s really juicy. Honestly, office gossip is a nice distraction from the monotony of work.

And now I get why Dana drinks.

It must be so boring to be ordinary. To feel the need to develop a ritual or distraction to escape from the everyday.

I’m sorry, that sounded incredibly condescending. I sometimes forget that not everyone is so willing to accept their indulgences. People are so funny. Why shouldn’t we embrace our quirks. Granted, my quirk is technically illegal but the point stands: don’t be ashamed to be the stuff of gossip. Own your awful quirks.

This has been your daily motivation from your favourite serial killer.

As always, dear readers,

Stay Safe

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