Last week I reviewed Prophecy of the Most Beautiful: Oracle of Delphi Book One by Diantha Jones and today I'm sitting down to ask her a few questions about life, writing and being sassy as PART TWO of the OOD Tour. Check it out:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
- Greek mythology has become almost a staple in Fantasy. What made you choose it and what makes yours so special?I've always has a love for the Greek myths and there was never a question about what my series would be based around. The hard part was finding a focus. I wanted to find a bit of mythology that hadn't really been dealt with on any grand scale. The Oracle of Delphi has always been a minor character in most Greek myth series, but in my series, she's center stage. The series is about her, in all of her mythical glory. Each book is about a single prophecy that surrounds a greater, darker prophecy. As far as I know, this hasn't really been done before. But I haven't read every book in the world so I may be wrong. Still, this series is special in its own way :)
- What brought on the inspiration/need to write your short story series?I entered the first story, Unknowing, in a short story contest. I didn't win, so I turned it into a series after a few readers told me they'd like to see what happened next. I was down for that and the rest is history.
- How has (or hasn't) your love of fiction (both television and books) influenced your writing?Oh man. What would I do without my books and TV shows? I get ideas from everywhere, but there's always stuff on TV or in books that spark ideas. Things that I wouldn't think would be relevant to my writing become relevant after I douse it with a little imagination. So basically, my love of fiction gives wings to my creativity.
- Favourite Greek Myth?
Definitely the story of Cupid and Psyche. What a cute love story. But I think I love the part Aphrodite played in it the best :) - What is the hardest thing you've ever had to write?My first thought was term papers in college. But then I was like, my newest novel, Prophecy of Solstice's End, almost turned my hair gray. It's massive and I was down to the wire with last minute edits and formatting issues. But I made it through, so that's all that matters I guess.
- Can you tell my readers all about the Masquerade Crew?
The Masquerade Crew is a site dedicated to Indie authors and their readers. It's run by Mark Lee and I. Mark does all the fancy marketing and promotions, and I run the review team. We have about 22 active reviewers right now who are from all over the world and read a variety of genres. I first caught wind of the Crew when I submitted my own book for review. I then later joined on as a reviewer, then eventually took over the team. It's a FANTASTIC resource for Indies but I encourage every author (and reader) to follow the site. - Have you ever thought of traditionally publishing?Of course. Who hasn't? Self-publishing is just the route I took because I didn't want to sit on these books for years while waiting for a publishing house to pick me up. I have other books on the way and maybe I'll try to get those traditionally published while I finish out the OOD series.
- If you could vacation in any fictional place where would it be?I'd have to say the Fae realm of the Tuatha Dé Danaan in KMM's Fever series. The only downfall I can see is that I may never come back...and not because I'm having a blast either *lol*
- How are you so sassy?I've been called sassy, fiesty, and a whole assortment of things. My mother calls it "attitude" lol. I just am and I have no idea how to turn it off. I think that knob broke :)

Of course there's still time to enter the giveaways:
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